Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Peddlin'

Paddle Boy Designs just sent me a new part for their PB Flyer Bike Trailer. This trailer allows one to pull a boat behind your bike. I broke a part on mine on a questionable move and they were COOL enough to send me a replacement part at their cost. I would have paid for it and probably should have but now they are my HEROES and I'm going to use their trailer and products forever.

The trailer has the best system to hook to your bike of any trailer I've seen for bikes. The hitch stays on your bike and then the trailer can be thrown on and off easily.
The trailer is light enough to still fly and heavy duty enough to hit the off road.

Paddle Boy Designs has inspired me with their response to my broken part. I'm going to hit the road for a few weeks this summer with their bike trailer and see if repping can be done SANS petrol.