Thursday, January 31, 2008

Show Favorites

It took me a few (powder) days back here in Bend to get my pics together from the OR show. The kahuna long board with big kahuna stick is the coolest new way to get a paddle workout while skating. My favorite things collide! In the end, it was great to see friends and colleagues. Here are a few of my favorites that will end up in the gear room:

Zbest inc ( make some really cool products. This flexible and portable solar charger is going to come along with me on the G0 Green Tour on bike in July. The panel folds up into a small case about the size of the laptop. The coolest feature is the ipod sized lithium battery (upper right) that you charge with the solar panel. The battery stores the power which can then be used to charge your laptop at any time. The 55 watt is the model that I'll use.

WhiteWood came out with a telescoping aluminum trekking/skiing pole with a multi-LED light on top of each grip. That is so smart!

Comfy sleeping bag suit...

The wild wild world of the Outdoor Retail show!